Wednesday, April 9, 2014

List of State Mottos That Make Sense

A List of State Mottos That Make Sense

Alabama - Audemus jura nostra defendere - We Dare Defend Our Rights
California - Eureka 
Florida - In God We Trust
Kentucky - United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Massachusetts - Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - By The Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty
Michigan - Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice - If You Seek A Pleasant Peninsula, Look About You
MinnesotaL'Étoile du Nord - The Star Of The North
Mississippi - Virtute et armis - By Valor And Arms
New Hampshire - Live Free Or Die
New Jersey - Liberty And Prosperity
New York - Excelsior - Ever Upward
Oklahoma - Labor omnia vincit - Labor Conquers All Things
Oregon - Alis volat propriis - She Flies With Her Own Wings
Tennessee - Agriculture And Commerce
Texas - Friendship
Vermont - Freedom And Unity

And now a list of state mottos that don't make sense to me:

Arizona - Ditat Deus - God Enriches
Colorado - Nil sin numine - Nothing Without Providence
Connecticut - Qui transtulit sustinet - He Who Transplanted Sustains
Georgia - Wisdom, Justice, Moderation
Louisiana - Union, Justice and Conficence
Maine - Dirigo - I Lead
Montana - Oro y plata - Gold And Silver
Nevada - All For Our Country
New Mexico - Crescit eundo - It Grows As It Goes
Washington - Al-ki - By And By

The rest? I know not enough to pass judgement.

But these 10 states, what a wonderful opportunity you have, to pick a new motto that is alluring and fitting. In 1987 Oregon changed from the bland Civil War-referential 'The Union' to the beautiful and fitting Alis volat propriis. 

Louisiana -- a state with a unique, storied, and long history has a motto that has no significance and came out of thin air in 1981? ... come on. (Hint: try something in french this time)

Nevada, all you have to do is steal Montana's motto, it makes more sense for you.

The rest, get on it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah right on, Oregon has the best one! Not that I'm a big Oregon fan, I'm from California.
